‘UIButton?’ does not have a member named ‘center’
button_.center = CGPointMake(120 + 60, 60) // エラー button_?.center = CGPointMake(120 + 60, 60) // 正解 |
Missing argument for parameter ‘comment’ in call
label_?.text = NSLocalizedString("Character Select",nil) // エラー label_?.text = NSLocalizedString("Character Select",comment:"comment") // 正解 |
Missing argument for parameter ‘locale’ in call
var string_:NSString = NSString(array_[1]) // エラー var string_:NSString = String(array_[1] as NSString) // 正解 |
Consecusive statements on a line must be separated by ‘;’
name_:UIImage = UIImage(named:"nameR.png")! |
type ‘AnyObject’ does not confirm to protocol ‘NilLiteralConvertible’
⇒ nil は入りません
array_ = NSArray( objects:araay1_!,array2_!,nil) // エラー array_ = NSArray( objects:araay1_!,array2_!) // 正解 |
‘NSArray’ does not have a member named ‘count’
for (var i:Int = 0; i < array_.count ; i++){} // エラー for (var i:Int = 0; i < array_?.count ; i++){} // 正解 |
‘NSMutableArray?’ does not have a member named ‘subscript’
'NSMutableArray?'は'subscript'というメンバを持っていません。 解決できず。 |
Cannot invoke ‘〜’ with an argument list of type ‘〜’